This Sunday, over one thousand boats will muster on the River Thames in preparation for Her Majesty The Queen to take part in the Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant. The formal river procession will be between 2pm and 6pm, and travel downstream through central London. You can watch it live from 13:30 this Sunday on BBC1.
It will be one of the largest flotillas ever assembled on the river. Rowing boats and working boats and pleasure vessels of all shapes and sizes will be beautifully dressed with streamers and Union Flags, their crews and passengers turned out in their finest rigs. The armed forces, fire, police, rescue and other services will be afloat and there will be an exuberance of historic boats, wooden launches, steam vessels and other boats of note.
CLICK HERE to watch a BBC preview of the event
CLICK HERE to visit the Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant website